P2P rental car has hidden behind the fire

On the previous day, Osamu, from Shanghai, known as "the largest P2P car rental platform in East China," bumpy shared car rental, announced a high profile into the Hangzhou market. In the previous month, it had opened up the Nanjing market.

The so-called "P2P car rental" means that private car owners will idle or use private cars that are not frequently used, and share them on the Internet platform, and reach deals with renters who have car rental needs. The owner can use this method to obtain a certain income, make up for the depreciation loss of the vehicle, and the tenant can rent a car with a more favorable price than the traditional car rental. Seems to have the best of both worlds!

   Market potential to be explored

In a coffee shop near the West Lake, Ms. Chen from Shanghai sipped Mocha while she opened her mobile phone, opened a car rental APP and chose “I want to rent a car.” Soon after, a daily-charged 120-yuan manual block Chery Tiggo entered her. The line of sight, "it's it." Moving the finger, a rental car transaction is easy to complete, only to pick up the car.

Every winter, Ms. Chen always finds time to bring her family to Hangzhou West Lake. "The family, old and young, can't sit in a taxi, take a bus toss, or rent a car," she said.

Nowadays, in Hangzhou, more and more people like Ms. Chen choose to rent a car on the Internet. This new model of car rental, dubbed “P2P Car Rental”, is emerging in major cities in China.

According to public information, the bumpy sharing car rental APP was formally launched in May last year. In a short period of six months, the number of registered users has exceeded 300,000. Online registration of nearly 30,000 vehicles is about 7,000 models. In its home base Shanghai, there are more than 10,000 private cars on the platform and over 100,000 registered members. The Nanjing market that entered the market in December last year also had about 1,000 private cars on the line in a month, and maintained an average daily turnover of 10 units. The booming of data also explains to some extent the practical needs of this new life.

Mr. Zhu, owner of the car from Hangzhou, recently shared his Mercedes-Benz E200L on the bumpy car rental platform. When talking about how he would think of renting a car, he said: “With less frequent use of your car, plus restrictions on parking in Hangzhou, it’s hard to drive. It’s a burden to drive out. It’s better to let the car idle and depreciate than to put on a car rental platform to earn some insurance. fee."

Of course, there are owners who said they did not accept it. Zhang Xiaoli, a IT man in Hangzhou who owns a new public Sagitar, feels that new things that have just emerged are still to be tested in many places and are not in a hurry to share.

But this does not undermine P2P car rental company's "pleasing". According to Ms. Chen Weiyu, founder of Bumper shared car rental platform, before entering the market in Hangzhou, “bumps” had done market research. The results show that the current number of private cars in Hangzhou is about 2 million, while the number of driver license holders is far greater than this number. In addition, Hangzhou is a popular tourist city with a surprising number of tourists. It can be said that the huge potential of the Hangzhou market is waiting to be discovered.

   Three years is not easy

Renting idle cars to make “people car” become “car care” sounds exciting?

There are people on the Internet who have calculated a sum of money. With a three-year-old 2.0L Tianzhu power, if they rent out for 3 days a week, 230 yuan a day, then a return of 690 yuan a week, a year's income can reach 35969 yuan. The current market price of three-year-old second-hand Tianzhu is about 11 million yuan. In so doing, it takes only 3 years to recover the costs.

Of course, the ideal is always full. "Like my car's grade is here, the daily rent will not be less than 500 yuan. The price is not cheap, this price of the car, willing to rent people after all, in a minority." Hangzhou Mr. Zhu apparently not so optimistic.

The reality facing Mr. Zhu can also be seen from the survey data of bumpy shared car rental. Chen Weiyu introduced that currently owners of shared platforms are mostly married men of 70s and 80s, and most of them are middle managers and private owners of the company. They have a certain social status and economic foundation, so the models for rent are from 100,000 to 400,000 yuan. Main models.

Most of the tenants with the most urgent needs and large numbers are newcomers in post-85s and post-90s. Car rental needs are everything from daily travel, surrounding travel, test drive experience to dating. The selected vehicles are mainly Buick GL8, Volkswagen LaVida, Toyota Camry and other economic models.

Therefore, the mismatch between sharing and renting has become the biggest problem faced by current P2P rental companies. Industry sources pointed out that, in general, the premise of P2P car rental development is to break through two psychological barriers: First, convince consumers to enjoy the trip without having to buy vehicles; Second, telling the owner that idle vehicles is not a burden but a money tree. In this way, the level of shared vehicles will become more abundant and the number of tenants will increase.

According to a report by Roland Berger, a famous consulting company in Europe, the scale of China's car rental market will reach 65 billion yuan in 2018, and the Chinese domestic car sharing market will increase at an annual rate of 80% in the next five years. The emergence of P2P car rental is undoubtedly an early occupation of this market.

   Regulatory risk is a road

P2P car rentals in China's emerging industries are no stranger to Americans. The two giants of Relayrides and Getaround have already covered the United States and formed a mature operating system. At present, Getaround has more than 200,000 members and its operating income has exceeded 10 million US dollars.

Suddenly as a spring night, domestic P2P rental companies are also being buoyed by capital markets. Friends of the Friends of Car Rental A round of financing 10 million US dollars, PP car rental B round of financing 60 million U.S. dollars, A Car Drive A round of financing 30 million U.S., bumpy shared car rental got financing millions of U.S. dollars.

It seems that the P2P car rental company is still too late to cheer, and it faces a lot of skepticism.

The first is the legal compliance of this behavior. Although the P2P car rental platform company argued that renting a car for the tenant to drive instead of the car owner carrying passengers, like renting a house, is not an operation, but the reality is not that simple.

Some professionals pointed out that this behavior is more like playing ball. If a mobile internet provider purchases a vehicle by himself or hires a private car under his own name to engage in car leasing, it belongs to the car rental industry and should comply with local laws and regulations and local regulations; if the mobile internet technology provider purchases a car himself or sets up a private car Those who are engaged in driving services, including their own name, belong to the taxi industry. They should obtain administrative licenses and be illegally operated without permission. The P2P model obviously does not belong to the above two types, and it still needs to be clearly defined by the policy. This kind of uncertainty is itself the biggest risk.

Again, rental car safety issues. Earlier media reports said that some P2P platform vehicles have been stolen by malicious people. After all, some of the current P2P car rental platform companies are just ordinary civil entities. They themselves do not have the conditions and capabilities to carry out substantive examination of the tenant's identity. More can only be formal inspections.

In the same way, the problem of accident handling during each vehicle rental occurs. China's relevant laws and regulations stipulate that under the circumstances of leasing, borrowing, etc., if the owner and user of the motor vehicle are not the same person, the owner of the vehicle will also be held accountable.

It seems that the regulatory risk is a hurdle to be placed in front of P2P car rental. When the supervision comes, the P2P car rental industry may face reshuffle.

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